"Every time I look through a camera, I am surprised... It's like finding yourself in a story." -Sabrina (the movie)
... I love a good story.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

About me...

I've wanted to do this for awhile...

A little scary to say the least and I admit I'm a little shy about sharing.
BUT, as Mom my always said, "You never get anywhere by being shy."

So here it goes...

I feel like it is SO important for stay at home Mom's to have an outlet.
Some way to be creative... to keep their mind busy at work, thinking and learning.


Just a bit about me. Who I am. What I love.

Wife to JC.
Mom to two very cute and very active little boys.

I love my family!
I love crafting, decorating, photography, pottery barn, peanut m&ms, my church, boutique stores, and being a stay at home.

Even stay at home Mom's need their time-outs.
I started doing photography and crafting for that exact reason!

It was something I love that gave me some time for myself.

I have always loved decorating.
For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be an Interior Designer.
In High School and College I took every Interior Design class I could find.
I missed out on completing a certificate program by one credit.
One day I plan to go back and complete my education in Interior Design.
I have also always been fascinated with Photography.
How do they make things look so beautiful...
I love pictures that make life look so real, so perfect.
I would love to pursue an education in Photography as well.

For now, I get to be a Mom which I love more than anything.
I feel truly blessed that I get to stay home with my boys every day.

I LOVE to craft. I love to create.
BUT, I'm a picky crafter.
It can't be cheap, it can't look cheap, if I see what I want and it's already made for me... I'll just buy it. I love a good deal. I'm also a copy cat crafter... There are SO many good ideas out there, why come up with your own! I have a list a mile long of things I'd like to make.

I LOVE taking pictures.
The saying a picture is worth a 1000 words is true.
Especially, when it is a picture of beautiful people you love.
I love real life shots... esp, the random every day moments. The ones that depict how life really is at that moment.
I want to capture your moment.
My goal is to create a cherished classic memory for you.
I'm still learning and studying constantly about new tips, ideas, techniques, and wanting major money to spend on new gear.
My wishlist is never ending.

I feel like Photography and Decorating/Crafting go hand in hand and instead of separate blogs - created one...

Because, really, as a Mom of two... How many "Spare Moments" do you actually have!?


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