"Every time I look through a camera, I am surprised... It's like finding yourself in a story." -Sabrina (the movie)
... I love a good story.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I love taking pictures.

Some might say I'm obsessed... =)

I read a lot and am constantly trying new things, new techniques, and teaching myself all that I can. It seems lately every spare minute is spent trying to improve or challenge myself in this department.

I am in no way a professional, but I am pretty particular about what I want and how I want a picture to look when I take it. There have been lots of picture taking to get things to look just so. It has now become addicting to create the "perfect picture."

I took photography classes in high school and really enjoyed them... I never even thought about taking pictures as a so called "photographer" until I had my little Zenock. The first pictures we took of him were in a studio... I loved them all and purchased every pose plus the cd. I was horrified at the price though- (I still have the receipt). My thought was, "Did I really just pay that much for 20 minutes of ME working to make my baby smile." All the photographer did was push a preset button.

When I got home the wheels started turning and I new that in the near future (as soon as I could save enough money), I wanted my own camera, to take my own photos, to create my own memories, the way I wanted them of my family.

AND, so it began.

Now, I find it so much fun to share and take pictures of others as well... to create a cherished memory for them. It makes me so excited to see others excited about something I could do for them.

I have to admit... I've been WAY nervous about sharing. Something about sharing something you've worked really hard on and opening yourself up to criticism and wondering if others will be honest with you (or maybe too honest).

BUT, you don't get anywhere hiding under a basket.

It's something I sincerely love to do.
After lots of encouragement from family and friends (who have somehow instilled some confidence in this rather shy girl) I've decided to share it with you.

A little photography blog to share some of the things I love.

Look around. Check things out. Follow me (below!).
And of course, I would love your feedback.




  1. I love this! I know it's weird, but honestly my favorite part is the logo you've got for yourself. It's so simple, yet perfect. I look forward to seeing more and more of your pictures because that's my favorite part of your blog anyway. =)

  2. Now that I have found this and found out your obsession, you know you are going to be taking pictures of my family next time you are here right? :) Just how you want to spend your time I know... (Oh and Can I put a link to this on my blog? I hope yes and you can tell me to take it off if it is no. lol)
